
Showing posts from 2015

My Liebster Award

Assalamualaikum semuaaaaaa!!!!! I am so happy today. Over the moon! I opened a blog of my friend this morning and she posted this huge picture in her blog. And I was like, my friend won an award! Wowwwww!!!!!!! Okay, so her name is Nabihah Yusran (or as she calls herself Nabihah Moran =}) and she actually tagged me and I was like 'what?????? ME?' Terkejut gila wehhh plus rasa malu sikit la. So, introduction sikit, Liebster Award ni untuk blog-blog yang tak sampai 200 followers pun. And my blog, 50 pun tak sampai okey. Sedih tak? So yeah, the fact that she tagged me made my mind go 'KEBABOOOM!!!!!!!' Thank you, Sis Biehah... Okay. To business. I have to do a few things to get this award; 1. Thank your Liebster Award presenter on your blog and link back to the blogger Nabihah's blog is tau everyone!!! Check / 2. Copy & Paste the award to your blog Check /      (Gambar gigantic kat atas tu la awardnya.) 3. Answer 6 questions...

During Holidays

I miss my SCHOOLLLLLL... Today is the ninth day of December and it's still the holidays. Boooo....... Like, seriously I actually hate this holiday. For some reasons. And it is SO not because of me being a nerd or anything. Like, that is so juvenile. *Rolling eyes* I've seriously got some problems. Even being a facilitator wouldn't even help my boredom. I'm turning sixteen next year. And for that reason I don't have Biology, Physics nor Chemistry books I can study or even revise. It's making me crazy. I know. You guys must be thinking: Why create a big fuss over holidays?! It's not your first time experiencing it, is it? Well, duh. Of course not. But really, there's no more lagu to my taste and my fave mangas lambat sangat nak update, wehhhh. Tolonglah. I don't feel like doing anything but I hate it. I know. Don't remind me. "You've got BIG problems, hun."

Langit Biru 8- Pertemuan Pertama

Gila!!! Bahang matahari tidak menahannnya daripada terus berlari. Rasa macam baru putus cinta. Padahal sebelum ni dah memang dia yang bertepuk sebelah tangan. Air mata mengalir dengan sangat deras. Langkah akhirnya terhenti. Matanya memandang tepat ke hadapan. Lake Valley. Tasik luas terbentang di hadapan mata. Sedikit sebanyak mengurangkan amarahnya. Perlahan-lahan dia menapak ke arah sebuah gazebo. Badannya dihempap pada salah satu tiang. Tyra memeluk tubuh. Mata dipejamkan rapat. Bibir bawah digigit kuat. Perit. Biarlah. Hati lagi perit. Air mata tak henti-henti mengalir. Perlahan dia akhirnya terduduk. Dia menarik kedua-dua lututnya rapat ke muka. Air matanya kini membasahi pipi. Heelllppp....   What do I do now?  Apa yang dia patut buat? Dia dah tak ada sesiapa dalam dunia ni. Mama dah la tengah marah sebab telefon kena rampas. Kawan-kawan pulak masa ni tentu semua nak rehat . Tak nak sesiapa kacau. I have no one. .. Dan air mata masih mengalir... Tiba-tiba ...

My (should I put wonderful?) Brain

SALAM UOLLLLSSSSS!!!!(again) It's me here(again). And today I just want to share with the whole world about my brain. Now, I'm not gonna say "everyone has two parts in their brain; the left and the right." Bla bla bla. Yada yada yada. Like, the whole world knows that la. So I'm not gonna explain any scientific thing about my brain. One thing though, I really wanna share with all of you about MY brain. Since this is my journal after all, kan? Maigawd , guys. I just realised something. This post is soooo formal. Like, you guys must be thinking, "are you writing to your teacher or something???????" Wellll, I can't run from ME. So, however much I try to be artistic, I am still ME. A left-brained person. With analytical skills and the passion for maths and science. And however much I try to put my heart and soul out for maths, I can't, cause in the other hand I am still using the upper part. Which practically means I am creative. Itu sangat po...

my new column, people!!!!

SALAM UOLLLSSSS!!!!! You know what? I'm actually kinda sick of making all the konon 'novels'. I mean after a few months 'leaving' my career I finally came to my senses. Bapak bosan okehhh my cerita. So this is the truth, I don't really like the cerita panjang I made. Well, I guess practice makes perfect, non? Bukan semua orang macam kera yang boleh panjat pokok tuh. Practice tu penting. One of the vital keys of life. Dan hakikat yang I'm still in denial: I don't have enough practice. But after saying all that, I've gotta say, my CERPEN's aren't half bad, are they? Ehe. Masuk bakul angkat sendiri, wehhh. Welllllll, we have to always look on the bright side, kannnnn? As I said, I do so not want to make any long lame other stories. So I decided to open up a new column; My Journal. This is a place where I express anything I feel. Where I can be anyone I want to be. And guess what? This is my first entry to my journal. Yeeaayyyy =) ...

To the E and X and A and M

GOSHHH!!!!! I need truck-loads of help! Exam's coming up in about a few seconds and I still have the freaking lazy attitude. I dunno, I find it hard to cope with my studies nowadays. Hey, if you can make me feel better, please do. By the way, to all PT3 and SPM candids yang study bagai nak rak tu, remember this one key of life: EXAM IS NOT EVERYTHING. But untuk orang pemalas kat luar sana: EXAM IS NOT NOTHING either. Just to be fair. *contorted grim face here*


"Aku tak cukup hebat." "Aku tak mampu." "Aku tak kuat." Siapa berani cakap macam tu? Dia ingat dia tu siapa? Nak judge diri sendiri 'lemah'. Nothing's impossible in life. Through the days I've passed, I've learnt one vital thing. Expect the unexpected. :) ZINDAGI EK SAFAR HAI SUHANA. TREAD YOUR LIFE JOYFULLY, HAPPILY, CHEERFULLY. ^v^

Langit Biru bab 7- Pengakuan

7.00 pagi Jumaat. Tyra menyarungkan baju kurung warna putih dengan kain biru. Rambut diikat ponytail.  Nafas panjang ditarik. It's THE day. Selepas semalaman berfikir tanpa tidur, akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk memberitahu dia.  Selepas.. I don't know... a day or two probably...  memendam perasaan akhirnya aku nak bagitau jugak dia.  Bedak ditempekkan ke muka. Sedikit celak dicalit pada mata. Lip balm disapu sedikit di bibir. Chantek~  Ehe. Terlebih perasan pulak. Okay. Back to business.  Beg yang diletak di atas lantai sebelah pintu digalas ke atas bahu. Lampu ditutup dan langkah diatur ke luar bilik. Pintu bilik Afiq yang bertutup dipandang dengan hujung mata. Mamat tu biasanya sarapan dulu baru mandi. Aku ni the opposite. Mandi dulu baru makan. Langkah diatur menuruni tangga. Melepasi bilik mama dan papa. Hari ni mama ambik day-off. Ambik papa kat airport. Tyra hum lagu Learn Me Right - Birdy, Mumford & Sons versi Julie Fowlis. Kaki ...

Langit Biru bab 6- Perasaan sang gadis

5.00 petang. Khamis. Syoknye... Meniarap atas sofa sambil mata meneliti wajah Ryouma dalam manga New Prince of Tennis. Air Milo panas ada atas meja sebelah tu. Tangan kiri pulak pegang KitKat. Wuisshh... Gaya macam dah tak ada benda nak fikir dah. Padahal PT3 tak sampai 365 hari lagi tuh. Well.. what can you say? A girl's gotta rock when a girl's gotta rock. Haha. Now, THIS is life. Study group dah habis dalam sejam yang lepas. Sekarang masa nak rehat. Balas dendam sebab tadi kepala dah rasa nak meletup berselirat dengan lukisan isometrik la unjuran ortografik la bla bla bla. Yada yada yada.  Lepak la. Tak payah nak stres memanjang. Farz dan Zack tu.. nasib baik dah tak tanya lebih lanjut pasal si dia.  Bukannya tak nak bagitau dia orang  sebab tak nak bagitau dia orang. Eh? Macam pelik semacam aje ayat tu? Whatever.  Tapi cuma malu. K ang kalau bagitau,  pastu kena reject, tak ke membawa malu dia dan tujuh keturunan akan datang? Ehe. "Mak Cik."...

Langit Biru bab 5- Study group

2.00 petang. Khamis. Pantulan diri di cermin dihadap bersungguh-sungguh. Tak nak ada cacat cela langsung.Takut-takut terserempak dengan dia ke...           Okay.  Concealer, done. Bedak, done. Lipstick, done. Blusher, done. Eye liner, done. Cekak, done.   And those are the basics to have a beautiful, non-pale face. Hati tertawa terbahak-bahak pandang calitan di bibir. Tebal gila mak oi!  Dah la warna merah menyala. Tapi untuk dia,  aku sanggup.              Itupun sebenarnya aku rasa tak cukup untuk menang hati dia. Entah kenapa rasa macam dia punya type yang bertudung litup selubung satu badan. Tapi kalau ikutkan balik... dia? Like hell. I didn't even realize when did he came to the picture?                 Teringat petang tu... "Athirah Huda..." Suara dia yang lembut menerjah cuping telinga. Oho. Hati dah berdebar lain macam. Tak berani nak toleh pandang...