My Liebster Award
Assalamualaikum semuaaaaaa!!!!! I am so happy today. Over the moon! I opened a blog of my friend this morning and she posted this huge picture in her blog. And I was like, my friend won an award! Wowwwww!!!!!!! Okay, so her name is Nabihah Yusran (or as she calls herself Nabihah Moran =}) and she actually tagged me and I was like 'what?????? ME?' Terkejut gila wehhh plus rasa malu sikit la. So, introduction sikit, Liebster Award ni untuk blog-blog yang tak sampai 200 followers pun. And my blog, 50 pun tak sampai okey. Sedih tak? So yeah, the fact that she tagged me made my mind go 'KEBABOOOM!!!!!!!' Thank you, Sis Biehah... Okay. To business. I have to do a few things to get this award; 1. Thank your Liebster Award presenter on your blog and link back to the blogger Nabihah's blog is tau everyone!!! Check / 2. Copy & Paste the award to your blog Check / (Gambar gigantic kat atas tu la awardnya.) 3. Answer 6 questions...