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Just read two books about the fall of Islam. Mustafa Kamal Ataturk and Runtuhnya Islam Andalusia (Isabella). URGGHHHH!!!! That was me tarik-ing my rambut in frustration. How, how, how can Islam jatuh macam tu?!
That was Andalusia and Turkey kotttt!!!!! Negara kebanggaan Islam. And both ditumbangkan oleh orang Yahudi Dumanah, Presiden Mustafa dan orang Kristian, Ratu Isabella. If you go to the west, they would say these two were the most amazing heroes of all time. Pengubah tamadun manusia alaf 19/20. Like, what the..?
How licik can the 'kuffars' be?! And why am I frustrated? Sebab Islam dah jatuh 3 Mac 1924. Dah lama dah. Years hve passed Decades! Dah nak a century dah pun. Tapi sampai bila? Bila Islam nak bangkit? Bila dah takde negara Islam langsung? Sekarang dah ada ISIS. Lagi la dunia benci Islam.
So my muslim friends, mari bersatu! Kita MASIH satu ummah, kawan-kawan! Let's do this! Bangkitkan Islam. Melakar sejarah. Terutamanya orang Malaysia (so racist but I am a Malaysian after all). ISLAM HARUS BANGKIT. Takkan nak biar macam ni. I don't want the next generation to see a book, "kejatuhan Malaysia", "kehilangan islam malaysia" and blalaalala. Tak nak, okey. Serious tak nak.
So I repeat, ISLAM HARUS BANGKIT!!!!!! Mari gegar dunia!


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