My Liebster Award

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Assalamualaikum semuaaaaaa!!!!!
I am so happy today. Over the moon! I opened a blog of my friend this morning and she posted this huge picture in her blog. And I was like, my friend won an award! Wowwwww!!!!!!! Okay, so her name is Nabihah Yusran (or as she calls herself Nabihah Moran =}) and she actually tagged me and I was like 'what?????? ME?' Terkejut gila wehhh plus rasa malu sikit la.
So, introduction sikit, Liebster Award ni untuk blog-blog yang tak sampai 200 followers pun. And my blog, 50 pun tak sampai okey. Sedih tak? So yeah, the fact that she tagged me made my mind go 'KEBABOOOM!!!!!!!' Thank you, Sis Biehah...

Okay. To business. I have to do a few things to get this award;
1. Thank your Liebster Award presenter on your blog and link back to the blogger
Nabihah's blog is tau everyone!!!
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2. Copy & Paste the award to your blog
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3. Answer 6 questions posted by the presenter
1. What promises have you never carried through for yourself?
Hmmm.. (long thought) Entah. Well actually I always make a deal with my 12-year old brother to jaga my other 3-year old brother but I never really kept the deals. Hehe. Sorry, Dee.
2. If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
Afford every branded clothes in this world.=]
3. Tell me something that you really regret and why?
I fond out about a manga named Detective Conan and I REALLY regret it 'cause it is soooo addictive.
4. Picture the child you once were, what were they really good at?
Ugh, duh. Everything. I've gotta say hardwork. I was a nerd once.
 5. Based on your daily action routines, what and where would you expect to be in 5 years?
Studying in United Kingdom with a scholarship in my hand. ^^
6. Who do you always compare yourself to? And WHY?
What sort of question is that? I'd like to see you answer it. A friend from my old school, I think. Her name is Irdina Zafrul and she is my best friend FOREVER. We have 3 siblings that is of the same age. And we used to lompat setahun together. But now I lompat setahun ke belakang with my own age. Bukan sebab tak pandai (poyo  ) Tapi sebab pindah sekolah. ( why am I even mentioning this???)
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4. Provide 6 random facts about yourself.
-I used to love Maths so much but now I'm starting to hate it.
-My favourite school is Itqan Integrated Islamic School. I miss my old friendsssss
-I am a jealous-prone... 
-For me, blue is the new purple. (Faham2 je la. Malas terangkan)
-I still have no main ambition. Between being a chef, baker, novelist, teacher and ministry of finance
-I like being talkative

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>Well, buat masa sekarang ni, ni je la dulu. Nanti I update lagi yee.. hihi

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